Garrett Haglin

“Garrett Haglin, currently residing in Pequot Lakes, Minnesota, is a big advocate of taking advantage of all the great outdoors has to offer. As a fisherman, whether it be open water or hard water, Garrett is always on the hunt for unique bites throughout the upper Midwest and Canada. The thrill of adventure alone is the motivation, the resistance on the other end of the line is the satisfaction. “The tug is my drug”, as Garrett would say. During the summer months, Garrett can be found volunteering for the local high school fishing teams, competing in bass tournaments, and providing the occasional guided fishing trip in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Bass fishing is a favorite for Garrett in the summer months, but all the attention is turned to walleye, crappie, and bluegill in the winter months. Garrett has a drive to learn, work hard and explore as much as he can as an outdoorsman to pass on the knowledge he has acquired to educate fellow anglers and to introduce youth to the sport. Garrett is also the founder of EUFOURIC Brands, LLC, an innovation driven company that offers high quality products to fellow outdoors sportsmen alike - Maluna Coolers as one of them.”